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Zoom instructions

Zoom is a simplistic and powerful video conferencing software. To install and use Zoom, follow the steps detailed below.


For those using laptop or desktop computer:

  • You need to download the zoom software. That is done here

  • Sign up to Zoom. That is done here. You can sign up using your email address and create a password you will remember. Or, you can sign in via your Google or Facebook account.

  • Once you have signed up, you will be taken to your Zoom dashboard. It looks something like this:

Zoom dashboard.png
Zoom join meeting.png
  • That will bring you to this screen:

Zoom join.png
2014-12-25 10.17.30.jpg
  • Paste the meeting ID into the box below the words "Join a Meeting". You can do this by placing your cursor in the box and right clicking - find the word "paste". Or, hold down the control (command on Mac) key and press the letter "V".

  • Copy the password and paste that into the box when prompted. (same method as you used to copy and paste the meeting ID)

  • You will then be able to join the church service (or meeting) and participate.

  • Please be aware - the host of the meeting has various controls. They may choose to mute your microphone so as to lesson disturbance in the main window - you cannot override this decision by the host.

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